David is known by many as super quiet, and often thought to not really talk as most don't get to hear his voice. What I have learned this week is that he is a freaking riot, he absolutely talks, and he knows his way around a computer way more than I ever believed possible.
David came home on Thursday after having a rough day at school. He had some slight preseizure signs overnight Wednesday night so when his teacher reached out on Thursday describing some odd behaviors from him I told her it could be preseizure stuff or simply that he had struggled with returning to school after winter break. She asked me to touch base with her or to have him email her to tell her what was wrong if I learned anything when I talked to him.
Well David walked in from school talking a mile a minute- this can be a sign that a seizure is coming for David. Often we see his communication increase right before a seizure, almost like his neurons fire more and then the seizure comes. When I asked him how his day was he immediately shared that it was a crazy day. His teacher made him work, his friends were working and it was "bonkers!". He shared that "later in the day he went to the office to do some work and the principal was even there!" It was as if he was surprised that he would find the principal in the office.
I ran out to the store briefly as David kept chattering to his babysitter and when I got back the sitter and David shared that he had taken a moment to write a few emails.
To his teacher he wrote, "It wasn't my fault"
Then in a second email he wrote, "other kids had hard days too".
Then he wrote to the tech department, "My computer was hacked!"
Thankfully, after writing these 3 emails the sitter returned from being upstairs and took the computer away from David! We have not heard back from the tech department but hopefully they know the computer wasn't hacked.
When I got home David immediately shared with me that he wanted concert tickets for his birthday which is coming up in January. He wants to see KISS, Poison, and Guns and Roses. He was able to tell me where each of these bands was performing and when I said that I was unsure about getting tickets he quickly rattled off other adults who could take him! ( Jodi, Gwen, Nick, Francesca, Uncle Ryan and Uncle Andy, if you have desire to see these bands you are on his lists of people to ask!)
Then as I started to look on his Chromebook I saw that he had an email from a company housed in England. Apparently David had been looking to buy a boxed set of Guns and Roses CD's and first had agreed to pay 555 Pounds. In his second purchase he had agreed to pay over $1000 for the same CD's. When I told him that was way too much money to spend he went on to tell me that 555 is smaller than 1000 so we could just pay 555. He also explained that since he was using his school computer that the school would just pay for the CD's. As you can imagine I am certain this purchase is not approved in the District budget!
After I was able to get David away from the concept of buying a CD set for $1000 David decided that he would just recreate himself for his 16th birthday. He wants gold chains and all new clothes and to change his name. His new name......David yellow!!! Why yellow? who knows.....but he had me cracking up!
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