Saturday, January 23, 2010

Explaining the Blog title

There comes a point in time where as a single mom you have just dealt with enough dirty diapers, enough accidents, basically ENOUGH POO! One might think when I tell them that my kids are 8, 6 and 3 that I should be at that point...but sadly, while my youngest has been toilet trained for almost 6 months, he is still the only one that is consistently trained and reliable.

My 8 year old was trained or so I thought from October through December, then maybe because of the new year, or maybe because he wanted to try a new detergent, or maybe just because, suddenly it was January 2010 and we were back to having accidents and hiding dirty underwear.

As for my 6 year old, if only they made a stand up toilet that you could poop in, he might be closer to being trained. However, he still has not mastered the art of pooping in a toilet, so as long as he has a pull up on around 4:00 everyday he poops and then gets cleaned up. During December school vacation, I thought, hell if we just USE the TOILET everyday around 4 he should be trainable! Apparently, what that leads to is one HELL of a case of constipation in a little man who is well known for being a control freak.

So basically, the long and short of it is, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... when you have dealt with crap for as long as I have, and as often as I just seemed fitting to include that in the blog title!

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