In addition to being a single mom, cause there has to be more to me than that right? I am also a nursery school director. I have known forever that I wanted to work with children. My entire life, since the age of 12 I have worked in child care. Kids seem to "get" me, and I guess people would say I understand them too.
I have known forever that I wanted to be a mom and that my life would center around children. Actually I guess the fact that I would eventually adopt my children, came at around the same age as the time that I knew that my life work would be with children. Between the ages of 15-21 I had my ovaries removed a little at a time due to huge ovarian cysts. Throughout those lovely young adult years, it seemed like God was playing his first joke on is pretty cruel and unusual as a teenage girl to have to wrestle with grown up things like talking to doctors about ovaries.....On top of that to deal with the reality that I was going to lose the ability to have my own children, seemed like a horrible joke!
Thankfully, when I was well enough I would go to work after school and play with the kids, watch them riding bikes, swing on the swings, and play hide and seek. I quickly came to realize that if I was able to love the kids at work, and care for them, that I would also be able to adopt children and love them as my at the age of 21 the final remaining piece of my left ovary was removed and from that moment on all the time I had put into recovery now went into me trying to figure out how adoption works!
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